
Greenstyle Foundation

The Greenstyle foundation is a non-profit organisation - in cooperation with the Weisse Arena Group and dedicated people and businesses from the Flims Laax Falera holiday destination. It is dedicated to preserving and protecting our environment.

What is the purpose of the foundation?

If we're not currently working on making your holiday in LAAX an unforgettable one, then we must be out in the great outdoors. We enjoy slopes with freshly fallen snow, biking on secluded single trails, scaling mountains and fishing in wild stretches of river. In everything we do, we recognise how unique our natural landscape is and that it is our duty to protect it.

What happens with the money?

We use the money donated to support non-profit projects in the LAAX holiday destination and throughout our entire region.

We support projects which

  • promote environmental education and research
  • protect the climate and reduce the negative effects of climate change
  • promote environmentally friendly technologies and renewable energies
  • reduce hazardous emissions
  • ensure sustainable handling of natural resources
  • serve to keep the region clean and prevent waste from being disposed of inappropriately or in public places
  • protect and develop ecosystems and their flora and fauna as well as natural recreational areas and nature parks, or lead to an improved natural environment in the settlement area
  • promote ecological and regional products and foods, as well as their production methods and fair trade
  • Enable the social integration of marginalised, disabled or unwell persons

Greenstyle Foundation funding application

Which projects have already received funding?

Project name


In favor of

Nature and Canoe Camp

In addition to sports, young people are introduced to sustainable behavior and action in nature.

CHF 4000

Canoe School Versam

The Last Day Pass tree planting campaign

The campaign proceeds are used for a tree planting test field on the Crap Sogn Gion: in 2021, around 350 stone pines, larches, pines, birches, rowan berries and weeping cherries were planted.

CHF 1100

Cantonal forest garden Rodels

Clean Up Day at Lake Cauma

Clean Up Day at Lake Cauma is a privately run event where volunteer pesons collect litter around Lake Cauma and at the nearby forest edge.

CHF 1550

Kelly Todde

Mini Ranger Project

The hands-on and educational programme helps kindergarteners to become ambassadors for the natural landscapes of their region.

CHF 4000

Ranger Team GmbH

Orchard school Flims

Due to lively building activity, more and more old fruit trees are disappearing in Flims. The 10 old Grisons standard fruit trees are intended to break this trend. They are valuable for biodiversity and provide regional fruit. They also have a positive impact on the townscape.

CHF 15000

Forstgarten Rodels, M. Fontana

Geoday of biodiversity

As part of Geodiversity Day, insects, birds, reptiles and many other animal and plant species are recorded in the city of Chur and important data on their occurrence is collected. At the same time, the opportunity is used to sensitise the public with stand campaigns, excursions and forums.

CHF 8000


Orchard care Trin

There are over 300 fruit trees in the Quadris orchard. The general health of the trees is to be promoted by pruning, repairing protective devices and planting so-called tree discs. Information boards are also installed along the hiking trails.

CHF 7500

Landscape & fruit care association Trin

Project name


In favor of

Environmental course for children

Various environmental courses such as bat observation, regional medicinal plants and wildlife observation for the schoolchildren of Flims and Trin.

CHF 8000

Holiday Pass Flims/trin


The purpose of the non-profit foundation based in Trin is to preserve, maintain and protect the forest and cultural landscapes in the mountain region. Together with youth groups, the forest and cultural landscapes in the region are promoted through useful work and at the same time sensitised to the vulnerability and social benefits of an intact landscape and biodiversity.

CHF 8000

Foundation Bergwaldprojekt

The Last Day Pass CO2 climate protection project

With every Last Day Pass sold, one ton of CO2 is offset. The Climate ID tracking number is: 15576-2012-1001

CHF 3200

Climate Partner

The Last Day Pass tree planting campaign

The campaign proceeds are used for a tree planting test field on the Crap Sogn Gion: in 2021, around 350 stone pines, larches, pines, birches, rowan berries and weeping cherries were planted.

CHF 4300

Cantonal forest garden Rodels

Forest Day Flims

The Forest Day in Flims is an event where children and adults can learn about the forest and its inhabitants at five different stations.

CHF 5000

Hotelier Association FLF

Clothes Repair Service 2.0

Free sewing and clothing repair service at the Riders Hotel for guests and locals.

CHF 14700

Muna Diouf

Zeidler course Tenna

Course participants were taught traditional Zeidlerei. In addition to promoting the biodiversity infrastructure, this also preserved a piece of tradition.

CHF 2000


Greenstyle Book

Sponsorship of around 300 printed and bound books.

CHF 10500

Mountain Vision AG

Digital solar quiz Tenna

Building knowledge and raising awareness on the topic of solar energy in mountain regions.

CHF 500

Nature Park Beverin

Start-up financing Obst Döfferei Trin

The project aimed to put a dehydrator into operation, whereby the fruit from the Trin orchard and the region can be utilized and at the same time contribute to the preservation of the ecologically valuable fruit trees.

CHF 20000

Landscape and Fruit Care Association Trin

Art Safiental Biennale

Funding for the film project "Lost Waters and Found Stairs". The artist duo Badel/Sarbach focussed on the limited habitat of fish caused by humans, underwater architecture, and the reconnection of habitats.

CHF 2000


Shrub exchange programme

Up to a maximum of 10 free, ecologically valuable exchange shrubs could be obtained by handing in neophytes such as summer lilac, cherry laurel, thuja or forsythia.

CHF 1600

Association Pro Biodiversity GR

Project name


In favor of

The Last Day Pass CO2 Compensation

With every Last Day Pass sold, one ton of CO2 is offset. The Climate ID tracking number is: 15576-2012-1001

CHF 6000

Climate Partner

The Last Day Pass tree planting campaign

The campaign proceeds are used for a tree planting test field on the Crap Sogn Gion: in 2021, around 350 stone pines, larches, pines, birches, rowan berries and weeping cherries were planted.

CHF 13000

Cantonal forest garden Rodels


The purpose of the non-profit foundation based in Trin is to preserve, maintain and protect the forest and cultural landscapes in the mountain region. Together with youth groups, the forest and cultural landscapes in the region are promoted through useful work and at the same time sensitised to the vulnerability and social benefits of an intact landscape and biodiversity.

CHF 8000

Foundation Bergwaldprojekt

Forest Day Flims

On the forest day, children and adults are taught a lot of interesting facts about the Flims forest and its inhabitants at five attractive posts.

CHF 7000

Hoteliers Association FLF

Clean Up Day at Lake Cauma

Clean Up Day at Lake Cauma is a privately run event where volunteer pesons collect litter around Lake Cauma and at the nearby forest edge.

CHF 850

Kelly Todde

Information about neophytes

Production of detailed information brochures on invasive neophytes of the destination with control options and alternative planting suggestions.

CHF 4500

LOVT (Landaschfts- und Obstpflegeverein Trin) 

Nature and canoe camp 

In addition to sports, the young people are introduced to sustainable behavior and action in nature.

CHF 4000

Canoe School Versam

Ranger Service

Donation by Mastercard Switzerland to the Greenstyle Foundation for the recruitment, training and equipping of professional rangers to protect the habitat of animal and plant species around the destination.

CHF 30000

Rhine Gorge Ruinaulta Association

Project name 


In favor of 

Nature and Canoe Camp

In addition to sports, young people are introduced to sustainable behavior and action in nature.

CHF 4000

Canoe School Versam

WWF school garden in Trin

The students experience the four seasons in the school garden and thus learn about the cycle and the interrelationships in nature at first hand. They plant and tend the garden together and get a direct connection to nature.

CHF 2000

Gemeinde Flims

The Last Day Pass CO2 Compensation

With each Last Day Pass sold, one KanulTonne of CO2 is offset. The Climate ID tracking number is: 15576-2012-1001

CHF 9000

Climate Partner


The purpose of the non-profit foundation based in Trin is to preserve, maintain and protect the forest and cultural landscapes in the mountain region. Together with youth groups, the forest and cultural landscapes in the region are promoted through useful work and at the same time sensitised to the vulnerability and social benefits of an intact landscape and biodiversity.

CHF 5000

Foundation Bergwaldprojekt


Project name


In favor of

Clothes Repair Service

In the Riders Hotel, clothes are repaired free of charge during the winter season. According to the philosophy, "why throw away what can be repaired? Because every new product, no matter how sustainably manufactured, eats up enormous amounts of resources and pollutes the environment.

CHF 8846



The purpose of the non-profit foundation based in Trin is to preserve, maintain and protect the forest and cultural landscapes in the mountain region. Together with youth groups, the forest and cultural landscapes in the region are promoted through useful work and at the same time sensitised to the vulnerability and social benefits of an intact landscape and biodiversity.

CHF 5000


Holiday Pass Flims/Trin

Environmental education courses for school children: Bat observation, regional medicinal herbology, wildlife observation, water adventure day, etc.

CHF 800

Holiday pass Flims/Trin

Project name


In favor of

Promotion of local food

Contribution to infrastructure and training costs to promote regional fruit processing and to the operation of a cider factory for the production of apple juice. The operation is ensured by people with a physical or mental handicap.

CHF 7100

Cooperative for unfermented fruit processing

Exhibition "Nachlese. Die Poesie des Gefundenen"

In "das Gelbe Haus" in Flims, an art exhibition on the subject of "littering" was created by displaying the waste collected by over 400 volunteers at the Clean Up Day of the Weisse Arena Group.

CHF 1000

The yellow house Flims

Holiday Pass Flims/Trin

Environmental education courses for school children: Bat observation, regional medicinal herbology, wildlife observation, water adventure day, etc.

CHF 500

Holiday pass Flims/Trin

Project name


In favor of

Sagogn fruit trees conservation measures

Conservation and development of ecologically and culturally valuable fruit cultures in Sagogn and utilisation of the fruits.

CHF 3000

Pro Sagogn association

Environmental courses for children from Flims/Trin

Environmental courses for schoolchildren, such as bat watching, regional herbal medicine, wildlife watching, water adventure days, etc.

CHF 500

Holiday Pass Flims/Trin

Support for local foods

Contribution to the infrastructure and training costs to support regional fruit processing for the operation of a fruit pressing plant for the production of fruit juices.

CHF 7100

Association for Unfermented Fruit Processing

Project name


In favor of

Special Exhibition Alpenrhein

An exhibition on problems and solutions of the alpine habitat from Lake Constance to its source Tomasee

CHF 2000

Cantonal fishing association Graubünden


Nature trail in the Rhine Gorge near Valendas

CHF 2000

Foundation Valendas Inpuls

Holiday pass Flims/Trin

Environmental courses for school children such as: Bat Observations, Regional Medicinal Herbology, Wildlife Observations, Water Experience Day, etc.

CHF 500

Holiday pass Flims/Trin

Conservation Measures Fruit Trees Sagogn

Preservation and development of ecologically and culturally valuable fruit cultures in Sagogn and the utilization of the fruits

CHF 3000

Association Pro Sagogn

Orchids of the region

Preservation, care and information about the unique, rich occurrence of orchids in the region

CHF 1500

Association Pro Sagogn

How is the foundation financed?

We fund the foundation through voluntary donations, which are based on the account below. The foundation is a non-profit organization and tax-exempt. Donations are tax-deductible. Recently you can also donate with the LAAX app, save your credit card and donate with three clicks. Download the app and help.


Employees of Weisse Arena Group also have the option of a voluntary salary deduction. If our employees donate at least CHF 2 per month, the Weisse Arena Group triples this amount. This model may also be used by other companies.

Account for voluntary donation:
Greenstyle-Foundation, Laax GR
Account number: 10 326.289.100
IBAN Nr.: CH38 0077 4010 3262 8910 0

Who decides what happens to the money?

The Greenstyle Foundation is administered by an independent Board of Trustees. The current members of the Board of Trustees are.

  • Senta Gautschi, President
  • Alicia Martinez, Vice President
  • Reto Fry, Secretary


The Weisse Arena Group assumes all administrative costs of the Greenstyle Foundation and triples voluntary employee donations.

