Freestyle Academy LAAX - Opening

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On Saturday, 25 June 2022, the LAAX Freestyle Academy will celebrate its reopening at the Prau la Selva sports centre in Flims. An old circus tent from the National Circus Knie will be used as its new temporary home.

After around three months of moving and setting up work, visitors can look forward to an action-packed opening day with plenty of activities, concerts and entertainment in and around the circus tent and in the Sport Zentrum Prau la Selva.

To the event


More than a temporary solution
After almost 12 years, the LAAX Freestyle Academy closed its doors on 27 March 2022. By spring 2024 it will be completely rebuilt at the same location, but in the basement.

However, no one will have to do without indoor freestyle until then: An old circus tent from the National Circus Knie will serve as a temporary solution during the two-year construction phase. All the popular freestyle facilities are to be found there again - from the Vert Ramp to the Airbag.

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