Weekend 4 - 5 September

[Translate to englisch:] Biken während der Bündner Hochjagd

Hunting season 3. - 12. and  20. - 30. September 2021
During the hunting season the bike trails are open as follows;

Runca Trail: Sector C1 to C3 Val gl' Uors closed from 4.45 p.m., diversion along the road is indicated.
Nagens Trail: sectors A1 to C2 closed from 4.45 p.m., diversions along asphalt road to entrance Greenvalley sector C3.

Caution oncoming traffic!

Weekend operation of the Falera chairlift
The Falera chairlift will be in operation on 4 and 5 September.
Operating hours: 9 a.m. - 12.15 p.m. / 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.



